Tuesday, 14 June 2011

In my panic mode

I've again decided to write on a day which involves number 4. I wonder whether it means anything. Today is 14th June. It was my mum's birthday yesterday and when I called her with some wishes she was very curious to hear what new life changing ideas I've had this week. The place I've come up with recently, Dubai, she wasn't even quite sure where it was. However, she was very much pleased to hear I'd be earning nice tax free salary.

Why am I in my panic mode? Well, I have my little stages before big changes. First, I'm very enthusiastic and actively look into things. That one smoothly goes into my second stage where I get a bit carried away and obsessed. That's why the idea of going to Australia and more recently Dubai. That's not all though. About two weeks ago one of my friends, innocently and in good faith, forwarded me a few websites about round the world trips. OMG! I spent hours looking into different options and calculating how much I would need to have to go on one of those. I couldn't sleep and twice, during the week, I woke up at 8.10am (I work at 8.30am). I was amazed that both times I managed to shower and put some face on in 15 minutes! A quick cycle was a good exercise too. So I'm still in that stage where I have 1 million ideas every week and it's not very productive, I don't think, so I'm panicking. Soon enough, hopefully, I will move to the stage where I sit on my lovely bum and actually start sorting things out.

On a different note, I'm reading a book that was recommended to me by one of my friends 'Slim for Life' by Jason Vale. I have to say that at first I was really interested in reading about different foods that are bad for me and how I've been brainwashed into believing I enjoy eating them. Apparently, after I've read the whole book, I'll never want to eat chocolate and crisps. That's not going to happen now as I unfortunately got bored reading it and won't probably last till the end. Jason repeats himself frequently which is not good for my short attention span, therefore I'll have to start reading a different book for this month.

When I started writing today I thought I didn't have much to say but it is not too bad. This Friday I'm going to Copenhagen for the weekend so hopefully I'll have something interesting to write about when I come back. Denmark is one of the countries I intend to visit in my exiting year. At least two more to go :).

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